Inkscape crop photo
Inkscape crop photo

  • In one of your layer files, draw a bezier shape (use the bezier tool, and make a shape that ends on the same node it starts on, and surrounds your island and connects it to the surrounding land.
  • If you have only a few islands, which you should, if you chose the vector cutting method of cutting your design, then you can subtract a mesh pattern from your design to connect any islands to their surrounding "land". Do any combining of layers that you have to at this point, so that you have the layers you want, but make sure that you wind up with the layered image positioned where you want it in reference to the crop marks. You should now have a set of grouped crop marks, and a bunch of color layers of your image (stacked up so they look good).
  • select the traced object group (the image that you just generated with the trace dialog, not the crop-mark group you just made) and select object->ungroup.
  • Select all the corners that you have made and group them together (use shift key for multiple selection). Copy that corner three times and rotate it to fit in the other three corners of the design (click a second time on a selected object and you get the rotation handles, again, hold down ctrl to constrain). This will be your mark(s) to match up the pages (if you have multiple color screens).

    inkscape crop photo

    If you 're going to print using multiple color screens, then using the bezier curve and line tool, draw a small two-line-segment corner just outside of the top left of the design.

    inkscape crop photo

    Hold down ctrl to constrain to the same dimensions. place the traced object where you want it on the page, and size it using the handles on the active selection.drag the newly created traced object group off of the original image and delete the original image.

    inkscape crop photo

  • trace dialog-use the method your teacher suggests, but make sure you check "subtract background".
  • select the image (it should be already selected), then path->trace bitmap.
  • file->import, browse to the file you saved.
  • inkscape crop photo

    open inkscape, open a new document.file->document properties, set paper size to letter (if that's what you're using) and orientation to landscape or portrait.

    Inkscape crop photo